Tribute from Sean Linehan - Petty, Wood
Created by Adrian 7 years ago
Gordon started working at Petty, Wood as 17 year old in May 1970. Harold Wilson was Prime Minister, shillings and half-crowns were still legal currency, and England still held the football World Cup (just!). Unbelievable he was still employed by Petty, Wood 47 year later, an amazing achievement and almost unique in the world of work this days. As is commonplace in the company he undertook many roles during his tenure but for the last quarter of a century or so he was the Quality Assurance manager, with dotted lines to Facilities Manager, Health and Safety Manager, Manager of Receptions, and Manager of the cleaners to name just a few of the things he didn't quite dodge quickly enough. He was also an unofficial biographer for the company, certainly for the last 50 years or so, and if you ever need to find out something about people who had worked for Petty, Wood you could ask him and he would have no difficulty in giving you a potted history of them, as well as an opinion.
Gordon was a unique character in the company, a committed and valued member of the team, and will be sorely missed by all that knew him at Petty, Wood. Weill never see his like again.